Angel Blankets Project

When a tiny baby is born before its time, and is too fragile to survive, there is still birth of the baby. A loss of this kind is huge for the grieving parents to face, yet most of them still want to both see, and hold, their tiny little infants. It is a very special part of that grieving process…to hold and to bond with their tiny little one.

What can be even harder is discovering that you have nothing to wrap or dress your tiny loved one in, as nothing will fit, or is appropriate when holding, and saying goodbye. To have your little one passed to you in a rough, or not very attractive, piece of cloth only makes that awareness that much sharper and more painful. NICU’s are begging for these sweet little blankets. We’d like to start with a goal of 100. Please make 2 of each blanket- one for the baby & one for the parents to keep as a remembrance.

If you decide you’d like to volunteer for this project, we have provided a pattern for you below…these are very fast & easy to make. You may make them 8” or 10”. Please keep in mind the purpose behind these & create something that is appropriate. You can also add any embellishments if you’d like. When done, follow the shipping instructions in files. Enjoy making these sweet little blankets.


Download Tutorial

These tags can be printed and either tied or safety pinned to your projects.

Shipping Instructions

Mail to:

Sister to Sister
488 River Meadow Drive Alpine, UT 84004

Please include inside box:


*Please email or contact us on Facebook if you have any questions. We will contact you to let you know where your blankets were sent. Thank you so much for your kind and charitable donation.

you can make a difference