Preschool Supplies and Teddy Bears Delivered to a Preschool

Sister to Sister and Sunshine Academy dropped off bags of preschool supplies and teddy bears to a small preschool in the jungle, close to Tulum. What an experience! The teacher was so appreciative and children were adorable! The teacher requested that we didn’t take any photos of the children. It was difficult to resist, they…

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Life Santa Christmas Event in Lahaina, Maui, HI.

Sister to Sister recently teamed up with Life Santa ( to help with a Christmas event in Lahaina, Maui, HI. “LifeSanta is a nonprofit that seeks to inspire others to spread joy—because you can. With us, Santa takes on a new meaning: a daily reminder to be kind, help our neighbors, and show compassion to…

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Visit to Coba, Mexico

I was able to hand out more teddy bears to the sweet children in Coba, Mexico. The children were so excited and thankful! Thank you to all who give of their time and support.

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